It'seemed a good idea at first blush.
At first sight it looked less like a capital city than a mining camp.
At first sight the house appeared to be empty than it really is.
The matter appeared at first view of little moment.
At first glance, it all seems an alchemist's illusion.
乍看上去, 它完全象是一位炼金术士的幻术.
Stern in the outlines of action, mild in the details, he was serious throughout all.
他的行动乍看去严峻苛刻, 于细微处却温和宽厚, 他自始至终都是一丝不苟的.
It is possible that graver issues hang from it than might at first sight appear.
At first sight, the land west of the Rockies appears to be tumble masses of mountains.
乍看之下, 落矶山脉以西的地方似乎是山套山,岭连岭.
Though the affairs seem easy at the first blush , they are really difficult.
虽然这些事乍看似乎很简单, 其实很困难.
At first, these two scenarios sound like they're worlds apart.
乍看之下, 这两个情节听起来南辕北辙.
At first glance , the cause of the riot might look unremarkable.
Behind theand violence the fears and vulnerability of the hierarchies.
At first glance, the following program line should work.
乍看起来, 下面的程序行应该运转良好.
At first sight, Bush's doctrine of pre - emptive attack seems frightening.
乍看之下, 布什纲领先发制人的袭击似乎挺吓人.
Their spindly, delicate roots seem just plucked from the earth.
它们精致 、 细的根系乍看之下还以为是刚从土壤中摘出来的.