
汉语拼音:lán qiú yùn dòng



    • He got a bang out of basketball.


    • The sport of basketball is a little over a hundred years old.


    • Basketball requires speed, strength, balance, stamina, agility, flexibility and coordination.

      篮球运动需要速度 、 力量 、 平衡 、 耐力 、 灵敏 、 柔韧和协同动作的能力.

    • The fundamental of basketball includes shooting, passing and catching, rebounding, etc.

      篮球运动中最基本的东西包括投篮, 传接球, 篮板球等.

    • In school, he excelled in athletics and had a flair for basketball.

      在校期间, 他是一名出色的运动员,而且他对篮球运动很有天赋.

    • With the increase of training intensity and competition, players injured much more.

      由于篮球运动训练强度和对抗性的增加, 运动员受伤情况日益增多.

    • You also like the cage game, likes the words may play together.

      你也喜欢篮球运动吗, 喜欢的话可以一起去玩.

    • Xiao Wang devoted herself ( or her life ) to basketball.


    • Jeff: What are the effects that basketball has on people?

      杰夫: 篮球运动对人的影响有哪些?

    • Basketball's progress throughout the years has been impressive.


    • You like basketball, and so do I.

      你爱好篮球运动, 我也如此.

    • As basketball's spokesman, was featured on dozens of ads in magazines and on TV.

      作为篮球运动的发言人, 他频频在杂志和电视上亮相.

    • The basketball wheelchair is the special equipment for the disabled person to participate in basketball sport.


    • I was never all athletic person , but I to have a crack at basketball.

      我不是个体育能手, 但是我想参与篮球运动.

    • Everybody in our institute goes in for sports and nearly everyone is good at basketball.
