
汉语拼音:běn yì



  1. 遵循正义。

    《荀子·强国》:“ 禹 汤 本义务信而天下治, 桀 紂 弃义倍信而天下乱。”

  2. 根本之义。指礼法之义。

    《汉书·韦玄成传》:“ 相 ( 魏相 )奏 悼园 称‘皇考’,立庙,益民为县,违离祖统,乖繆本义。”

  3. 本来的意义。

    清 纪昀 《阅微草堂笔记·如是我闻二》:“ 黄山谷 名其尺牘曰刀笔,已非本义。” 鲁迅 《花边文学·汉字和拉丁化》:“每一个方块汉字,是都有它的意义的,现在用它来照样的写土话,有些是仍用本义的,有些却不过借音。”


    • The literal meaning of the word " cat " is an animal.

      “ 猫 ” 一词的本义是动物.

    • This word should not be taken in its literal sense.


    • Stay away from Jason. He's just a two - bit hustler.

      别接近贾森, 他只是个不高明(注:本义为价值两角五分)的骗子.

    • These were Cui Shu s guiding ideology he seeked poems real intention.


    • However, the same basic communications concepts apply to both local communications and telecommunications.

      然而, 运用于本地传输和电信时,通信概念的本义是一样的.

    • When the meaning in extension is father from the original meaning, it is more figurative.

      当词义从本义向隐喻方向延伸的时候,离本义越远, 修辞性就越强.

    • It'starts with the geomantic original meaning , the reasons of this research, literature review of relevant.

      说明风水的本义 、 选题的原因 、 学术史回顾及本文的研究思路.

    • Its original meaning is a tree stump waiting for a rabbit to dash itself against it.


    • According to the relation of sememes, a word has original meaning and meaning.

      从词义义位之间的关系看, 词有本义和引申义.

    • The paper introduces a high - power detecting - device based magnetostrictive effect for the NDT of steel pipe.

      本义介绍了 大功率 磁致伸缩检测仪的研制.

    • In this book the word is used in its original sense unless otherwise stated.


    • But how to put their answers together and find an answer according to his own essence?

      但怎样才能把它们的答案合在一起,并按自己的本义找出所求的答案 呢 ?

    • The paper introduces a high - power detecting - device based on magnetostrictive effect for the NDT of steel pipe.

      摘要本义介绍了 大功率 磁致伸缩检测仪的研制.

    • Adisaster managment model for urban districts is constructed in the. Management theory, cybernetics are appliedthe model.

      本义用管理学 、 控制论、决策论的思想建立了城市灾害管理的模型.

