The room held the faint, sweet odour of pipe tobacco.
The flowers give their perfume freely to the air.
Qing Qing Yu Lan is always lonely and unknown fragrance.
And you took and you offered my oil and incense before them.
又将我赐给你的食物、就是我赐给你吃的细面、油、和蜂蜜、都摆在他跟前为馨香的供物. 这是主耶和华说的.
Cool climate and fragrant odors. It's a perfect summer getaway.
凉爽的气候,馨香的气息, 炎炎夏日走一趟杉林溪,真的让人心旷神怡.
And he burnt sweet incense thereon; as the LORD commanded Moses.
在坛上烧了馨香料作的香, 是照耶和华所吩咐他的.
Medium to full bodied with vibrant fruit of mulberries and plums.
The grass glowed and fragrant flowers.
The thought of this, and a whiff of sugary warmth from the coffee ring, cheered him.
想到这个, 加上面包圈的一阵甜甜的馨香, 使他又欢悦了起来.
It is a burnt offering, an offering made by fire an aroma pleasing to the LORD.
祭司就要把一切全烧在坛上,当作燔祭, 献与耶和华为馨香的火祭.
The Lamb who offered Himself to God as a burnt offering and sweet - smelling incense.
The earth warms – you can smell it, feel it, crumble April in your hands.
大地也暖和起来了——你可以闻到四月的气息, 感觉到它那股馨香, 把它捧在手中赏玩.
They also made the sacred anointing oil and the pure , fragrant incense - the work of a perfumer.
Gradually foot pace, swinging and lumbering upward among the many sweet scents of a summer night.
马车逐渐转成慢步, 隆隆地摇晃着在夏夜的馨香中向坡上爬去.
In this way the priest will make atonement for him, and he will be forgiven.
祭司要在坛上焚烧,在耶和华面前作为馨香的祭,为他赎罪, 他必蒙赦免.