After that I knew in a confused and illusory fashion that there was an unfathomable mystery I did not know but that agitated me as if I did.
这之后,在困惑和虚幻中,我知道了有一种深不可测的神秘感。我虽然不理解它,但是却象理解了似的深受其扰。Unfathomable. - No doubt poisoned by his sister.
深不可测啊-一定是他妹妹说我坏话的the profound depths of the sea; the dark unfathomed caves of ocean-Thomas Gray; unplumbed depths of the sea; remote and unsounded caverns.
深不可测的大海;海洋中幽深、黑暗的洞穴--托马斯·格雷;大海不可测量的深度;遥远、幽深的洞穴。To be irrevocably in love with a vampire is both fantasy and nightmare woven into a dangerously heightened reality for Bella Swan.
对于贝拉来说,无可救药地爱上一个吸血鬼,既是充满甜蜜的幻想,又是深不可测的梦魇,危险的现实正步步逼近。To her mind there was nothing of the infinite about Mrs. Penniman; Catherine saw her all at once, as it was not dazzled by the apparition.
在凯瑟琳看来佩尼曼太太没有什么深不可测的地方,她能一目了然地将她看透而不被她外表的假象所迷惑。The man rose to his feet to bow, the woman continued to sit, a fixed smile on her otherwise unreadable face.
先生绅士般地起身鞠躬,女士依旧端坐,凝固的笑意在她深不可测的脸庞上。Yet, he said, the unevenness shows that Faulkner was willing to take risks, to explore new material, and new ways to talk about it.
但他说,福克纳的深不可测说明他甘冒风险,敢于探索新题材,尝试新方法进行写作。infinity of space, Owen wondered what manner of Being or Power it was that had originated and sustained all this.
远望那深不可测浩瀚无垠的太空,欧文感到茫然,真不知是什么样的上帝或神力创造并维系着这宇宙的一切。It was as if she were looking into immeasurable space.