When they were all asleep, Sinon and I opened a secret door in the wooden horse to allow our soldiers to get out.
当他们都睡着了,我和西农打开了木马的一个暗门把我们的士兵们放了出来。In fact, the corner of our room had a secret door leading to a small staircase which would allow someone to escape the Inn if necessary.
事实上,我们房间的角落里有一扇暗门,它通向楼梯间,以便人们在必要的时候逃离。The same clients also asked Salmon to make one of the arched bookcases into a secret door.
还是这些客户,他们要求萨蒙把其中一个拱形书架藏到一个暗门里面。"Lisa, get in! " Lionel had already fell in and Julia climbed in slowly, replacing the stone in its original place.
莱昂内尔早就进到了里面,而茱莉亚则慢慢地爬进暗门,把石头移回了原位。He approaches the cabinet and carefully opens the door, revealing a small collection of guns belonging to Nick's father.
他走近橱柜,小心地打开了暗门,发现了那几把属于Nick父亲的枪。This supposition was shattered when hieroglyphs were found behind a secret door in the Great Pyramid a few months ago.
这种猜想在几个月前才被打破,人们在大金字塔一个暗门后边发现了象形文字。I remember watching as my grand-father took the key from his pocket and opened the hidden door in the massive old clock.
我还记得,祖父从他的口袋中拿出钥匙,打开大钟上的暗门。Iremember I watched my grandfather pulled out the key from his pocket to unlock the secret door of the clock.
我记得我看着爷爷从口袋中掏出钥匙,打开钟里面的暗门。In the final version of this scene Hamilton is clearly visible making her exit through a trap door.