We knew he had not been well, but we did not realise how serious it was. He was a terrific footballer and a lovely guy.
我们知道他身体状况不好,但是我们根本就不知道他有多严重,他是一个非常出色的球员,一个非常可爱的家伙。Amy, too, had a dear child named Beth, but she was a frail little creature and the dread of losing her was the shadow over Amy's sunshine.
艾米也有一个可爱的孩子取名贝思,但她是个纤弱的小东西,担心失掉她变成艾米幸福中的一个阴影。I brought it to her place with a little message and a nice ribbon, just like a real gift. --Dany Lariviere.
我把它搬到她家,还在上面写了生日贺词,并用了一条可爱的缎带,让它看起来像是真的礼物。--丹尼-拉里维亚。I know that when some of you hear the word "puppets" it may be a little scary, but these puppets were really, really cute. haha.
那我知道有些人听到“操纵木偶”会有点可怕,但是我跟你说他的傀儡非常非常可爱,哈哈。She had a fine ear for dialogue, but her plays could be a bit cute and awkwardly autobiographical.
她对剧本对白很有鉴赏力,而她的剧本可能都是有点可爱有点笨拙的自传。I saw her reflection. She was as lovely as the other night, maybe more so.
我看了看她的反应,她和那天晚上一样的可爱,也许更可爱了一点。she was dressed in black velvet ; she looked high and splendid , as he had said , and yet oh so radiantly gentle.
她穿一身黑天鹅绒衣服,神色端庄,正如他所说的,非常可爱,甚至显得光采夺目,雍容华贵。look, the cake big, round face, and was covered with white butter, cream with all kinds of flowers, it seems to me smiling, and lovely!
瞧,那蛋糕又大又圆,被纯白的奶油覆盖着,上面堆满了各种奶油花儿,好像在对我笑着,可爱极了!He was dwelling on her attractiveness as he had felt it the evening before, and mingling it with the feeling her presence inspired now.