West Africa was the pivot of the cocoa trade.
Some coffee and cacao are grown for export.
Ghana's main export is cocoa.
This gets separated into cocoa solids and a fat called cocoa butter.
But farmers can also grow criollo or cacao plants.
但是,农场主们也种植criollo或者 trinitario可可豆树.
Chocolate is a product of the tropical cacao tree.
Cocoa bean is used to make some kinds of drink.
However, Criollo cocoa accounts for only 10 % of the world crop.
It was so valuable the Mayans even used cocoa beans as currency.
EXP: petroleum, lumber, plywood, sugar, cacao.
出口: 原油, 木材, 人造板, 糖, 可可豆.
But, the cacao plant could not grow in the area where the Aztecs lived.
但是, 可可豆树不能在阿之台克人居住的地方生长.
It could be sortus sawdust or agricultural waste, like grain hulls, coca cocoa or coffee shells.
它可以是锯屑或是农业废弃物, 如稻壳, 可可豆或咖啡豆外壳.
Chocolate and the cocoa beans used to make it were highly prized by the Aztecs.
The English, Dutch and French began to plant cacao trees in their own colonies.
英国, 德国,法国开始在自己的殖民地种植可可豆树.
Yes, the cocoa - bean -- the heart of the sweetest delicacy in the world -- is bitter.
的确如此, 可可豆 —— 世界上最美味的甜品巧克力的主要原料 —— 是苦的.