Since 1840, the nation from peril problems are not to be evaded placed in front of every Chinese.
自1840年以来,民族危亡的问题就越来越不容回避地摆在每一个中国人面前。Later, the new king lost a battle because he did not take Qu Yuan's advice. The country was in danger.
后来,由于新皇没有采纳屈原的建议导致一场战争的失败,国家处于危亡的境界。Traitors and collaborators sprang up in every town and China was in great peril.
在所有的大小城市中,一时汉奸蜂起。中国处于危亡之中。As one part of the public, student movements always being the forerunner, awakening people to rouse for the blow of Japanese .
作为民众运动的一部分,学生运动常常成为民众运动的先导,唤醒国人在民族危亡之时奋起反日。In order to save the nation from peril, and explore a way out of the country, many people put forward their own ideas of national salvation.
为了挽救民族危亡,探求国家的出路,中华有识之士纷纷提出了自己的救国主张。The future of individuals and political parties of this country is not what matters.
个人的安危以及政党的前途,同国家的危亡相比都是微不足道的。This paper tries to explore the reason for the rise of women education and the enlightenment of feminism.
文章着重探讨在民族危亡时刻女学兴起缘由以及它所带来的女性主义思想启蒙。THE PERIL LAY NOT IN TRAVELING, BUT IN STAYING AT HOME.
危亡的不在于旅游,而是留在家中。All have the ideal to save the nation in peril society .