
汉语拼音:sī yí



  1. 官名。

    《周礼·秋官》有司仪,负责接待宾客的礼仪。 北齐 有司仪署, 隋 唐 因之,属鸿胪寺,掌凶礼丧葬之事。 宋 以后不设。 明 代之司仪主管陈设引奏礼仪, 清 废。参阅《通典·职官八》、《明史·职官志三》。

  2. 举行典礼时报告进行程序的人。

    吴晗 《哭公朴》:“拿了通电宣言的底稿,到处奔走,邀约签名的有 公朴 ,办印刷、分发的有 公朴 ,主持《民主周刊》的有 公朴 ,有些会场中当司仪的还是 公朴 。”

  3. 谓举行典礼或大会时报告进行程序。

    陈残云 《山谷风烟》第三九章:“他代表工作队,按着主席团的布置,负责大会的司仪。”


    • Paul Mazursky was Master of Ceremonies, and he was pretty hysterical.


    • I'm going to be emceeing a costume contest.


    • Mary, you do the honours. Somebody has to pass out the presents.

      玛丽, 你来担任司仪工作. 有人要发奖.

    • With strangers, he rang the words out like a herald.

      在陌生人面前,一提起这些个字眼, 他用的是司仪一样的声调.

    • The dean of the school acts as marshal of graduation exercises.


    • A marshal handed mike a welcome and introduces these leaders.


    • He's a better emcee than I thought he'd be.


    • A cadre in the army acts as marshal of the flag - raising ceremony.

      军队的一名干部担任 升旗 典礼的司仪.

    • Funeral Speaker: Don't mourn Joe Strumble.

      葬礼司仪: 不要为乔·图伯感到悲伤.

    • MC: Ladies and gentlemen, Wayne Brady!

      司仪: 各位观众,韦恩·布兰迪!

    • Emcee: OK, bridegroom can hug your wife.

      司仪: 好了, 新郎你可以拥抱你的新娘了.

    • MC: Ladies and gentlemen CNN's noted journalist and Emmy Award winner, Larry King!

      司仪: 各位观众,cnn著名新闻主播兼艾美奖得主拉利·!

    • The MC picked up the microphone and began talking. " Ladies, gentleman and elephants. "

      司仪拿起麦克风,开始讲话: [ 各位女士, 各位先生,以及各位大象.

    • A local television anchor, his hair perfectly in place, serves as master of ceremonies.


    • How do I evaluate a host based on his professional basics?
