Being a woman, she says, was the least of her problems.
作为一个女人,她说,是她最不成问题的问题。If one were to know the security features(gaps) of such a huge and really loosely guarded place, getting in and out shouldnt be a problem.
如果有人真正了解了故宫安保特点(或者漏洞),那这么大的地方真的是警卫很松懈,随意进出应该不成问题。Well, I spent the past four years in an apartment with a kitchen so lilliputian that even making room for a toaster was out of the question.
但是过去的四年中,我都是在公寓里一间小小的厨房里度过的,那里面小得连放个烤面包机都成问题。At the beginning of preseason, the back line was letting teams get behind them and defensive speed looked to be an issue.
在季前赛刚开始的时候,后防线确实拖了整个队伍的后腿并且防守的速度也成问题。I never got angry at him, I never insulted him. And I got my equipment when I needed it.
我从来不跟他发脾气,从来不侮辱他。这样一来,我什么时候需要器材便不成问题了。"It has real problems as an end, but it is useful as a means to an end, " he said.
“将它当作目标真的很成问题,但当成实现目标的手段还是有价值的,”他表示。The little one had a tendency to try to run off the track and that's a problem.
但是,那架小车就很容易从轨道上溜出来,这就成问题了。Sometimes it's something along the lines of: "His mother lives in Wisconsin, she won't be an issue. "
或者大意如下:“她母亲住在威斯康星州(美国第三十个州),所以她不成问题。”He's a bit of a problem; he's lazy, untidy and not too particular about being clean.