His mind was at ease and he felt confident in the future.
A merry heart makes a cheerful countenance.
Nothing truly makes a bolder heart than a light conscience.
He is always kind and jolly, and will put me to rights.
他总那么和善有趣, 会使我心情舒畅的.
It was with the sorrow so founded on satisfaction, so tending to ease.
这种难过是以满意为基础的, 是与心情舒畅相联系的.
We all felt good and we felt healthy, and I felt quite friendly to Cohn.
我们都感到心情舒畅,精神饱满, 我对科恩也相当友好.
The sense of leisure and safety gave the last touch of lightness to her spirit.
Only when libraries are happy, can their potentials are exerted.
馆员只有心情舒畅, 自身潜能才能充分发挥.
This cannot be a happy morning for Beijing's air - quality control mavens.
Anyway, the sweet in love really makes people's mood relaxed.
无论如何, 甜蜜的恋爱确实使人们心情舒畅.
His legs were weary, but his mind was at ease.
他的双腿很疲乏, 但心情舒畅.
Traces the python, has ease of mind, guarantees you bon voyage.
摸摸巨蟒, 心情舒畅, 保您一路平安.
Get peace of mind and rest easy. Protect your equipments now!
为心情舒畅、睡的安稳, 现在开始保护你的装备吧!
According to Kondo, smiling immediately makes you feel better.
根据近藤先生的说法, 微笑可以立即使你心情舒畅.
I'm certainly pleased to see you looking more cheerful.