Additionally, a marked decrease in retention after long - term use is described.
此外, 在 长期 的使用以后套筒冠的固位力可能有显著地下降.
Objective To increase the retention and stability of traditional removable partial denture.
Results : The RPI clasp was found to cause the smallest bone displacement.
The cap was made of permanent soft - liner in the denture base.
Serious defect, bad resistance form and retention form.
牙体缺损范围大, 残留牙体组织抗力形差,固位不良者.
Conclusion It's practical to utilize human mandible as the model to measure retentive force of clasps.
ConclusionFor those with serious alveolar - bone - absorption atrophy, extension plays a key role in retention of the dentures.
结论对于下牙槽嵴严重吸收萎缩低平的全口义齿修复者, 舌翼区尽量伸展对义齿固位起关键性作用.
Conclusion: The clasp retained cyst plug is a better drainage device for marsupialized large odontogenic cysts.
结论: 卡环固位的囊肿塞是大型牙源性囊肿袋形术后维持囊腔引流的一种较好装置.
Conclusion The fitness and retention ability of denture could be improved with the captioned method.
Objective To evaluate the effect of Green OrTM on the crown retention tooth preparation.
Objective : To simplify the popular ball cap retainers and to decrease the costs of them.
目的: 简化现有的球帽固位体、降低成本,研制开发符合我国国情的球帽固位体,并初步应用于临床.
In addition, direct - indirect retention which frequently eliminates the need of anterior indirect retainers is obtained.
此外, 利用腭板的直接“间接固位”作用,常常可以省略在前牙区放置间接固位体.
Objective : To improve retention of complete lower denture with impacted wisdom tooth as abutment.
目的: 利用阻生智齿增加下颌单颌总义齿固位力.
Objective : To evaluate the long - term effect of magnetic attachment on the improvement of overdenture retention.
目的: 评价采用磁性固位改善覆盖义齿固位的远期应用效果.
Thesion: The stress distribution vertical loads on the bar is different from that on the teeth.
结论: 义齿上加载与固位杆上加载的应力分布有差异,义齿上加载更接近临床状态.