
汉语拼音:zài zhě



  1. 另外,此外。表示有所补充。

    《儿女英雄传》第十五回:“等我找了你老的女孩儿来,你老自己告诉他罢。再者,二叔在这里,也该叫他出来见见。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第二八回:“这字号里面,你也是个东家,所以我不烦别人,要烦你去。再者,这份寿礼也与前不同。” 巴金 《沉默集·知识阶级》:“再者,我告诉你……你若敢再和她跳舞,我就要对你不客气了。”


    • And again, can you acknowledge it as true?

      再者, 你会认为真有此事 吗 ?

    • The price is too high, and moreover, the house isn't in a suitable position.

      这幢房子价钱太贵, 再者地脚也不好.

    • The concert was booked out, and in any case, most of the people gathered in the square could not afford the price of a ticket.


    • Furthermore, there is a marked absence of peer pressure here, which would make itself palpably felt when such anti - social conduct occurs.

      再者, 本地明显缺乏同辈人之间的压力, 致使不良行为发生时,众人浑然不觉其不妥.

    • Moreover, health and fire codes are frequently enforced by criminal processes.

      "再者, 卫生和防火法规经常通过刑事程序得到执行.

    • Designers, on the other hand , create artifacts for people other than themselves.

      再者, 设计者创造物品是为了人们,而不是为了自己.

    • Again, the specificity rule cuts against the tariff.

      再者, 特效法则也排斥关税.

    • Besides , the son - of - a - bitch had guts and was honest.

      再者, 这个狗养折真有种,而且正直.

    • Further, graphite cores may be safer than non - graphite cores under some accident scenarios.

      再者,根据一些事故解说, 石墨堆芯可比 非 石墨堆芯更安全一些.

    • Moreover, the scope of the EIS is simply determined by the scope of the proposal itself.

      再者, “环境影响报告书”的范围仅仅取决于提案本身的范围.

    • Moreover, many decisions based on tests or inspections require a considerable amount of judgment or interpretation.

      再者, 许多基于测试或检查的决定要求相当数量的判断或解释.

    • As she's a friend of yours, you must know just how jealous she's likely to be.

      再者,她是你的好朋友, 你总该知道她的醋劲儿如何?

    • Further, all the laws of nature that govern the particle motion are not known.

      再者, 支配粒子运动的一切自然规律也都是未知的.

    • Further, the wax guards against infection, particularly when Joe swims in dirty water.

      再者, 蜡质能抵御感染, 特别是乔在脏水中游泳时.

    • In addition, it cannot exercise its own authority without, in turn, increasing that of the President.

      再者, 国会要运用本身的权力, 就得增加总统的职权.

