agriculture includes agricultural producer, agro-related industrial and commercial operator and countryside, farmers.
农业则泛指农业生产经营者、部分涉农工商业者以及农村、农民,涵盖“三农”。Mr McCain said Mr Obama's proposed tax plans risked robbing small businessmen of realising the "American dream" .
麦卡恩称,奥巴马提议的税收计划存在着阻碍小工商业者实现“美国梦”的风险。The potential customers are most numerous among the "little men" , that is, small shopkeepers and owners of one-man business.
在小工商业者,即小店主和个体户中间,潜在的主顾最多。A new survey from the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) suggests that it might.
来自美国独立工商业者联合会的新调研结果显示很有可能。This means going where too few exchanges have gone before -- beyond government officials, business people, academics, and other elites.
这意味着进入过去很少进行交流的领域——超越政府官员、工商业者、知识界和其他精英之间的接触。In the modern world, however, business people are connected through their Blackberries or email accoounts, accessible via the Internet.
然而,现在的工商业者会借助黑莓手机或互联网的电子邮箱联络、谈生意。Probably because of the pickup in consumption, the optimism index of the National Federation of Independent business continues to climb.
或许是因为美国人消费额的增长,全美独立工商业者联合会(NationalFederationofIndependentBusiness)编制的乐观指数在继续攀升。Indeed, more than 70% of small businesses use Facebook, according to a recent Merchant Circle survey.
诚然,根据最近“商户圈”(MerchantCircle)的调查,有70%的小工商业者使用Facebook。A businessman who has "met a payroll " may feel that his views on price control are final .