And yet, looking down at him in a moment that was like a secret, passing sign, her face did tell him.
然而,在她低头看他时的一瞬间--这一瞬间象是个一闪即逝的暗号--她的脸色告诉了他。They made it a signal between them to knock at the door three times.
翻译他们以敲三下门作为他们的暗号。Throughout this century it has been used as a sort of code word between homosexual men.
整个19世纪,男同志们都把gaie这个词作为他们之间的暗号。As if on cue, the biting wind abates , and Taiwan's most provocative TV celebrity appears with a microphone to mingle among his fans.
彷佛是有暗号般,当刺骨的风减弱时,这个台湾最会挑动人心的电视名人拿著麦克风从人群中走出来。Once he gave the signal, all hell broke loose back at the building where CIA officers had gathered for a late dinner.
这边暗号一发出,那边一处建筑物里的中情局特工简直炸开了锅。Mr. Chambersgave his wife the high sign that he was bored and wanted to leave the party.
张伯斯先生向他太太做暗号,表示他觉得厌烦,很想离开宴会。Remember when you were a kid and you had a secret code you shared with your friends?
还记得儿时与伙伴们分享的秘密暗号吗?Often a smudge in an old photographic plate is confused for an invading hoard of angry aliens hell-bent on giving us a bad 2012.
老胶片上的一个污点也会让人们迷惑,以为那是想在2012年毁灭我们的愤怒的外星人的侵略暗号。Runic writing (imitated from the Greek or Latin letters) was a purely secret form of writing , used only for religious magic.