汉语拼音:yún yún zhòng shēng
- 【解释】:芸芸:形容众多;众生:原指一切生物,后指许多人。原指世间的一切生灵。后多指大群无知无识的人。
- 【出自】:《老子》第十六章:“夫物芸芸,各复归其根。”《礼记·祭义》:“众生必死,死必归土。”
- 【示例】:这些话,是告诉~,到底是有一大部分感觉不敏的。
her hometown, she was a big fish in a small pond, after In but she moved to New York, she was just only one among many millions.
在她家乡,她很了不起。可是搬到纽约后,她就不过是芸芸众生之一了。Instead, new prejudices, just like the old ones, will serve as the guiding reins of the great, unthinking mass.
相反,新的偏见就像旧的偏见一样,会成为引导那些没有思想的芸芸众生的缰绳。What if you realized that those who seem to walk about in it, to sin and die, attack and murder and destroy themselves, are wholly unreal?
如果你明白了,世上好似不断犯罪、死亡、攻击、谋害,以及自我毁灭的芸芸众生,全都虚幻不实,又将如何?His pictures looked down from giant hoardings all over the country and no other official or politician was allowed to rise to prominence.
他的巨幅画像在全国各地居高临下地俯视着芸芸众生,没有任何一名别的官员或政界人士被允许出头。But consider this: if the theory weren't right, it's possible that none of us would be here to contemplate anything at all.
大家细想一下:如果这个理论错了,也许就没有我们这些在座的芸芸众生啦!January Just as a traveler on a journey takes lodging, a being who travels the cycle of existence takes lodging in a rebirth.
就像一个旅行者在旅途中寄宿一样,芸芸众生也只是生存轮回中的一个暂歇者。Unfortunately, such a beautiful state, can only be called worldly air, with emotions of all living things with Despair!
可惜,如此美妙的境界,只能叫食人间烟火,具有七情六欲的芸芸众生望而兴叹!You want to be noticed, not made to feel one of the crowd.
你想要得到人们的关注,不想做芸芸众生之一。But should they really be wishing for this, if they were to take into account all the effects and their humane concerns for all people?